Refund Policy

Items Damaged or Poor Quality

If an item is damaged or is shipped with a poor-quality print, you must send us a photograph of the poor-quality print or damaged area. We will replace any items damaged or poor-quality at no additional cost.  We are not responsible for items damaged in shipping.

Wrong Product Shipped/Missing Items

If we ship the wrong product to you, please send us a photo showing how the product differs from what was ordered and we will replace or refund any such items at no additional cost. If there are missing items in an order please tell us the items that are missing and we will send the missing item.

Design Issues

If you have any other complaint regarding the design printed on a product, please send us a photo.  Credits, refunds, or reprints will be issued at the sole discretion of BestFlipFlops.com. If the printed design differs substantially from the expected design, we will investigate every case and will work to provide a resolution that satisfies you and your customers.

Sizing Issues

In the rare event that you are unhappy with the fit of your shoe, we will process a free exchange one time exchange.

Refunds will not be issued for sizing disputes, only exchanges are allowed.

Free Exchanges will only be allowed once per shoe order. Any costs related to exchanges past the first free exchange must be covered by the customer.

In order for a free exchange to be processed, customers must provide the following information: reason the shoe didn’t fit (i.e. too small, too big, too narrow), the new size requested, first and last name and order number.

Size exchange requests that differ by more than 2 sizes from the original size ordered will be considered a customer-input error and will not be eligible for exchange.

To reduce the risk of sizing issues, we have provided accurate sizing charts on each of our product specifications pages for customer reference.

Free sizing exchange requests only apply to high tops, low tops, sneakers, boots, casual shoes, flip flops, faux fur boots and slip-ons.  No other product on BestFlipFlops.com is eligible for a free exchange.

Items and Term Limits

Items that have been successfully received by customers within 30 days are eligible for returns or exchanges. Once 30 days have elapsed from the receipt of goods, refunds and exchanges will no longer be accepted.

Refund Term Limits

Refund and exchange claims will only be accepted within 30 days of order processing. 

You will not be required to return the original item to receive a free exchange under this policy.